Is weightlifting safe for young athlete's back?
Summary of a study investigating lower backs of young Olympic weightlifters over 3 years.
Summary of a study investigating lower backs of young Olympic weightlifters over 3 years.
Summary of an observational study looking at steroid hormones levels during competition in adolescent (girls and boys) Olympic weightlifters.
Summary of a study looking at represenation and results of athletes born in each month in Olympic weightlifting.
Summary of a study looking at 10 years of pefromance in female athletes competing in Olympic weightlifting.
Summary of a comparison of mental fatigue and exertion between Olympic-level closed skill atheletes (weightlifters, track & field athletes) and open skill athletes (basketball and volleyball players).
Summary of a study on how hormone concentration during simulated competition is correlated with future Olympic weightlifting performance.
Summary of an article looking at the changes in young male elite Olympic weightlifters after 5 months of trainig.
Summary of an article looking at the influence of the number of throws and overall training load on grip strength and shoulder range of motion in male collegiate baseball players.
Summary of an article investigating how the age of specialization influences the risk of injuries in young athletes.
Summary of an article analyzing whether the size of the breast affects how women participate in physical activity.
Summary of an article on the differences in injuries between CrossFit and traditional weightlifting (resistance training) adult recreational athletes.