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How Olympic weightlifting performance changes in female athletes over 10 years?

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Summary of a study looking at 10 years of pefromance in female athletes competing in Olympic weightlifting.


700-1250 competitive female Olympic weightlifters (USA).


Observational cohort study, data examined from the United States of America Weightlifting competition results 1997 - 2015.

Outcome measures

  • weight lifted (divided by body mass) in snatch, clean & jerk and total
  • rate of performance increase/decrease

Main results

How Olympic weightlifting performance changes in female athletes over 10 years - Infographic

  • progress was the fastest within the first year. Progress in snatch was faster for the first 2 years than for clean & jerk.
  • the rate of improvement was the slowest in year 3, then went up (along with increase in body weight), and on average the performance decreased in year 9.
  • the ratio of strength to mass reached 1 after 12 months for clean&jerk and 5 years for snatch.
  • The body mass increased on average 10 kg over the 10 years. The body mass increase started from year 3 and that is when the stregth gains increased.

Take home message

For a clinician & coach
In American female athletes, progress was the fastest within the first year (up to 9%). Progress in snatch was faster for the first 2 years than for clean and jerk. The rate of improvement was the slowest in year 3, then went up (along with increase in body weight), and on average the performance decreased in year 9. The ratio of strength to mass reached 1 after 12 months for clean & jerk and 5 years for snatch. The body mass increased on average 10 kg over the 10 years.
For a parent
In Olympic weightlifting progress is the fastest during the first year of competing. To progress after 3 years, women need to increase their body weight (muscle mass). Women improve their weightlifting performance for 8.5 years, after then the progress gets harder. The ratio of strength to mass reached 1 after 12 months for clean & jerk and 5 years for snatch.
For an athlete
To continue strenght gains after 3 years, your body weight will probably need to increase. It will take 1 year to reach body-weight clean & jerk and 5 year to reach body-weight snatch.

Original article

Miller JD, Ventresca HC, Bracken LE. Rate of performance change in American female weightlifters over ten years of competition. International journal of exercise science. 2018;11(6):290.

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