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Which part of the pull is the most important in Olympic weightlifting

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Summary of a study looking at the correlation between Olympic weightlifting performance and isometric pulls at the start position, transition phase, and power position.


30 Olympic weightlifters (18 males, 12 females) who performed at the Israel National Weightlifting Championship (have Sinclair points above 200 for male and 120 for female) (Israel)


correlational study between force measures in the isometric testing (in 3 positions) and Olympic weightlifting performance

Outcome measures/tests

  • isometric start position pull (ISPP), isometric transition position pull (ITPP), and the isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) (Force-time data measured on force plates)
  • performance in the snatch, clean&jerk, and total scores [kg] from the National Weightlifting Championship

Main results

Which part of the pull is the most important in olympic weightlifting - infographic

  • the correlation between the rate of force development and weightlifting performance was only significant for starting position in females (r = 0.67).

  • peak force correlation with weightlifting performance was significant in both males and females (but stronger in females) in all three positions. Females have shown a significantly stronger correlation between peak force and weightlifting performance in the start position (r = 0.94) than mid-thigh position (r = 0.69).

Isometric pull peak force
in start position
in transition position
mid-thigh position
Females: correlation with weightlifitng total
Isometric pull peak force
in start position
in transition position
mid-thigh position
Males: correlation with weightlifitng total
Isometric pull peak force
in start position
in transition position
mid-thigh position

Take home message

For a clinician & coach
Peak force isometric pull testing in the start position was the strongest correlated with weightlifting performance in the national-level Olympic weightlifters. This correlation was stronger for females than males. Start position isometric pull testing showed a higher correlation with weightlifting performance than testing in the mid-thigh position.
For a parent
Testing at the start position showed the highest correlation with weightlifting performance in national-level Olympic weightlifters.
For an athlete
Testing at the start position showed the highest correlation with weightlifting performance in national-level Olympic weightlifters.

Original article

Ben-Zeev T, Sadres E, Hoffman JR. Comparison of Force Measures Between Start Position, Transition Phase, and Midthigh Pull With Weightlifting Performance During Israel National Competition. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2022 May 9:10-519.

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