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Sport after pandemic - risk assessment

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Summary of an opinion article focused on factors to consider when returning professional athletes to sporting events after Covid-19 pandemic.


Professional athletes returning to participation in sporting events after prolonged lockdowns due to pandemic.



Outcome measures

Risk of virus transmission.

Main results

  • Factors to consider assessing the risks for sporting events:
    • does the country have active local transmission of Covid-19 virus
    • is it a single or multiple venue event
    • are athletes coming from countries with active local transmission of Covid-19
    • how many people will attend the event, both athletes and spectators
    • is the sport/s itself considered at high risk of spread of the virus
  • Measures to mitigate or decrease the risk:
    • increase hygiene/hand washing
    • education of athletes and staff
    • reduce the number of people at the event
    • reduce the number of persons at high risk (vulnerable)
    • locate the event in the area with low community transmission of the virus
    • reduce travel from and through areas with the transmission of the virus
    • testing availability
    • contact tracing ability

Take home message

For a clinician & coach
Please refer to the resources below for up-to-date guidance and to access tool to assess the risk (Excel file).
For a parent
Please refer to the resources below for up-to-date guidance and to access tool to assess the risk (Excel file).
For an athlete
Please refer to the resources below for up-to-date guidance and to access tool to assess the risk (Excel file).

Original article

Carmody S, Murray A, Borodina M, Gouttebarge V, Massey A. When can professional sport recommence safely during the COVID-19 pandemic? Risk assessment and factors to consider. 2020 0;0.

WHO. Addendum assessment tools in the context of Covid-19. 30 April 2020. [Excel file]

Resources recommended in the article

WHO. Key planning recommendations for Mass Gatherings in the context of the current COVID-19 outbreak. Interim guidance. 19 March 2020.

WHO. Considerations for sports federations/sports event organizers when planning mass gatherings in the context of COVID-19. Interim guidance. 14 April 2020.

WHO. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Points of entry and mass gatherings. 15 May 2020.

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