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Should you do CORE training before starting Olympic weightlifting?

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Summary of an article investigating an influence of CORE training on balance and trunk muscles endurance in novice weightlifters.


30 healthy male novices and 5 experienced Olympic weightlifters (3 years of experience training at least 3 times per week) aged on average 31.5 ± 1.7 years (Poland).


CORE training intervention with pre- and post- testing. Intervention: 8 training sessions (4 weeks) with 18 exercises in both novice and experienced lifters.

Outcome measures/tests

  • Mediolateral and anteroposterior dynamic balance via stabilometric platform (Libra)
  • trunk muscles endurance via plank tests (including side plank) and modified Biering-Sorensen test

Main results

Should you do CORE training before starting Olympic weightlifting? - Infographic

  • Balance in both mediolateral and anteroposterior significantly improved after the CORE training in novices. (mediolateral from 104.4 ± 37.3 to 72.3 ± 26.9°s and anteroposterior from 120.6 ± 50.5 to 67.0 ± 20.6°s).
  • Trunk muscles endurance improved significantly in novices from 56.4 ± 23.4 to 115.4 ± 25.2s.
  • When compared to experienced weightlifters, novices had poorer dynamic balance and trunk muscles endurance, even after the CORE training program.

Take home message

For a clinician & coach
CORE training improved dynamic balance and trunk muscles endurance in novice lifters. With 8 weeks of training, trunk endurance doubled and sway decreased by almost half.
For a parent
CORE training improved dynamic balance and trunk muscles endurance in novice lifters.
For an athlete
CORE training improved dynamic balance and trunk muscles endurance in novice lifters.

Original article

Szafraniec R, Bartkowski J, Kawczyński A. Effects of Short-Term Core Stability Training on Dynamic Balance and Trunk Muscle Endurance in Novice Olympic Weightlifters. Journal of Human Kinetics. 2020 Aug 31;74(1):43-50.

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